Warmly celebrate the 26th anniversary of the establishment of Shandong Huiyuan Building Materials Group Co., Ltd

Founder of Shandong Huiyuan Building Materials Group Co., Ltd.: Cheng Xiaoming

Sailing in the same boat through wind and rain, achieving win-win cooperation and striving for governance for 26 years.
With a sense of responsibility, forge ahead, and work together to build the Huiyuan Dream.
In the 20th century, there was a wise man who led the Huiyuan people from over a dozen to nearly a thousand now. Along the way, it was the hard work and hard work of all Huiyuan people that gave rise to the glory of Huiyuan now, and it was their perseverance that gave rise to these many followers. Don't forget your original intention, the road you have traveled is Huiyuan's most precious wealth. Huiyuan has gone through 26 years of entrepreneurship from scratch and from childhood to adulthood. Looking back on 26 years, it has carried too much and been remembered too much. Over the past 26 years, Huiyuan people have worked hard, fearless of difficulties and dangers, and have also created their own space. At the same time, they have also led everyone to become rich and changed the fate of many people. The development of 26 years, little by little, is vividly remembered.


26 Years of Spring Blossom and Autumn Fruits
The footsteps of spring, summer, autumn, and winter have gone back and forth 26 times;
It is a big tree that grows from its sprouts to the sky;
It's 9490 days and nights, one step at a time
The journey of pursuing dreams;
I am an entrepreneur,
The most exciting, difficult, and colorful moments in life
Glorious years.
On the way forward carrying the dream of Huiyuan,
We have braved all the obstacles, braved the wind and waves,
Winning honors with sweat and wisdom,
Received good word-of-mouth from the market and customers.
Thank you, my friend, for being with you all the way
Let's forge ahead and move forward bravely.

In 26 years, we overcame obstacles and overcame obstacles, traveling through both storms and hardships;
For 26 years, we have been diligent and diligent, striving for excellence from top to bottom;
In the past 26 years, we have worked hand in hand and made great progress.
Standing at the forefront of the new era, Huiyuan Group
We will not forget our original intention and continue to move forward,
Crafting quality with craftsmanship, guarding dreams with emotions,
Build a first-class waterproof brand with strength,
Towards the Glorious Dream of Building a National Brand in the Waterproof Industry
Strive hard and move forward triumphantly!

Twenty six years of youth, with thousands of hammers and hundreds of exercises,
Huiyuan inadvertently realized and practiced the greatest spirit of society——
Huiyuan Spirit,
After 26 years of trials and tribulations, Huiyuan,
At this moment, it is like a shining star,
The relay baton of Huiyuan spirit is passed down to each and every one of us.
The blueprint has been drawn, and the struggle is just right.
The path of development still requires hard work and hard work,
All Huiyuan people will not forget their original intention and set out again,
Courageously advancing towards the established strategic goals,
Huiyuan people have the confidence to carry the centennial dream of China's waterproofing,
Marching towards the world.
Success starts from Huiyuan; Victory, coming from here.

The brilliance of the past hangs like the sun in the sky, dazzling with brilliance;
Today's unity is like a fist clenched with ten fingers, united as a city;
Hope tomorrow's Huiyuan spreads its wings like a Kunpeng, soaring into the sky.
Wishing the people of Huiyuan to work together and innovate again!



